Isola delle Correnti – where the Sicily ends

There’s a place where the east coast of Sicily turns to the south, where the Ionian Sea meets the Mediterranean waters and turquoise waves splash on long beach covered with golden sand, considered in Sicily of one of the most beautiful and in the middle you’ll see a small island with an old lighthouse. The southernmost crumb of the Sicilian land. Come with me to see Isola delle Correnti – where the Sicily ends.

Author: Natalia

isola delle correnti

Isola delle Correnti © Alfredo D’Ambrosio

It was a beautiful day September 8th, 2014 and twelfth day of our great, 30 – days trip around Italy: From Villach through the western ends of Slovenia, Udine, farther east coast of the Adriatic to Matera, then trough Calabria to Sicily, and on it clockwise around the island, back to Calabria, next to Tuscany and finally to the house by Brenner and Austria. A total of 8 600 km trip done by twelve year old at that time SEAT Leon without air conditioning, with our hairy quadruped inside and 900 l new Box on the roof. Wonderful and unforgettable journey. That day, as well as the three previous and the next one, we spent in the Province of Syracuse, hosting our friends Ola and Salvatore and together exploring new places outside the main routes. That day, realizing nuanced still at home schedule, we went to the very edge of the province, to the town of Marzamemi (described in the following post), Portopalo di Capo Passero and to the beautiful beach with golden sand.

Marzamemi – perełka południowo – wschodniej Sycylii

Beach Isola delle Correnti, considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Sicily, is the ideal place for sunbathing and outdoor activities. Clean, warm water extending far a shallow strong winds blow here often creating ideal conditions for surfing and windsurfing. The name of the beach derives from a tiny island located roughly in the middle of the sandy shore. This area is very valuable in terms of nature, during birds migration to Africa.

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The island Isola della Correnti covers an area of approximately 10 000 m², and protrudes above the sea level at the highest point of only 4m. There at its banks meets the two seas: the Ionian on the east and the Mediterranean to the south, creating a strong and dangerous sea current and sometimes high, rough waves crashing into the shore. On the island are the ruins of the old lighthouse, which a few dozen years ago were inhabited by a lighthouse keeper and his family. Unfortunately, the building now left decays at a rapid rate, which is a pity, because it could be an interesting tourist attraction.

On a trip, that day we went without Salvo, who had to be at work. Me, Arthur,  our doggie Gucia and ola which was in the fifth month of pregnancy. We spread the towels and an umbrella on an almost empty beach. In line of sight was only a few people, no sunbeds, stands with souvenirs orcirculating among people sellers with beach crap. The beauty of nature, peace and quiet, relax. The only thing, that attracted us,  disturbing our peace was Isola delle Correnti. Attracted us, intrigued us, calledus. Together with Ola we decided to penetrate the island, Arthur was with Gucia on the beach. Fortunately, the depth of water between the mainland and the island wasn’t as deep as I thought.

Starting crossing we have with us only flip-flops, and I had also camera. Without it, the transition wouldn’t be the problem, and the deepest place I could take by swimming. But unfortunately, wanting to take pictures of the island must be very careful not to roll over on slippery rocks covering the bottom. In the deepest part the water comes up to my shoulder going with arms outstretched over my head. It was worth it.


From here we start crossing to the other side.


The ruins of the “connector” seen from the island.


The first steps on the island.


Ahead of us the ruins of the old lighthouse.



The interior of the lighthouse can be accessed, as well as at its peak, from where you can see a beautiful view. Warning! Without shoes do not even try to enter the lighthouse, everywhere is broken glass, debris and trash.



These stairs comes to the top of the lighthouse. The passage is very narrow and steep.


The view from the top of the lighthouse.


The view from the top of the lighthouse.


The view from the top of the lighthouse.This new and not very subtle construction gives a signal to sailors in the twenty-first century. Not everything new is better, right?


The view from the top of the lighthouse.

sola delle Correnti, the place where the Sicily ends, is a good choice for anyone who over noise and splendor of popular resorts appreciates the bosom of nature and silence. In general, the southern coast of Sicily, that on this trip I had the opportunity to cross the second time, still hides to me many secrets, but I have to admit, that is wonderful, and although less popular among tourists, than even the northern or eastern, here’s the most long beaches covered with golden sand. Let me even mention about another wonderful place on south coast, which is the reserve of Torre Salsa, for those who want to read the link below.

Rezerwat Przyrody Torre Salsa – nieznana Sycylia

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Natalia Rosiak

About the author

Nazywam się Natalia Rosiak, jestem podróżniczką, blogerką i autorką książek. Od 12 lat dzielę się z Czytelnikami wiedzą i miłością do Italii oraz inspiruję do podróży prowadząc blog, udzielając się na Facebooku, na Instagramie, na YouTube, w grupie Włochy – podróże & styl życia oraz na Twitterze.
Moje e-booki znajdziesz w blogowym sklepie, a książki papierowe w Empiku. Jako pierwszy polski twórca otrzymałam tytuł Gold Italy Ambassador Awards.

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